My Journey to an MBE with Phonics

June 20, 2016 11:52 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I have never liked cliches but an apt one does spring to mind ‘my journey’ to an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday honours has certainly been long – 57 years, but, above all it has been wonderful and fruitful.

So many children, so many tearful mums with the same story, ”Johnny’s teacher has said he’s useless.” Each child was a human being, with a life and future to fulfil. That was when the ‘magic’ happened. A handful of phonics, time, patience, love and every child became a reader. And for every little reader the world of knowledge opened up. He/she could now read the questions in maths, the information in science and could read and comprehend English. Each child became a functioning member of the class. I may have been the catalyst with my phonics (so hated by schools) but it was the marvellous, worried, loving, busy parents who activated the magic. One parent told me the school had said, ”You’ve got other children, forget about Mary.” Once again: phonics, parents, patience, love, and Mary has just completed an excellent degree.

So, my message is, never give up on a child, especially the dyslexic ones. These are frequently gifted individuals with exciting futures. Trust me, I have 57 years and an MBE to prove it.

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This post was written by Alonah Reading Cambridge

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